
水月觀音 Shuiyue Guanyin

標題 Title:水月觀音 Shuiyue Guanyin
創作者 Artist : 何栴芳 Janet Ho
尺寸Dimension : 56cm*84cm (25F)
材質 Material:油彩, 畫布. Oil ,Canvas,
創作年代 Year of work:2020
水月觀音是古代佛像雕塑有名的型制,表現觀音一心觀水中月的造像,意指諸法無自性,如水中月,鏡中花。本圖乃再現遼代南海觀音大圖,珍貴木雕現存美國納爾遜- 阿特金斯博物館。
Water Moon Avalokitesvara is a kind of typical form of Buddha sculpture in ancient times. With guanyin gazing at the moon in the water in sitting posture ,it implies the unreality of all phenomena.
This oil painting work is originated from the wooden sculpture of Liao Dynasty now collected and exhibited in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.
