
天地行者 Skywalker (原圖 )

標題 Title:天地行者Skywalker
創作者 Artist : 賴文彬. W.B. Lai
尺寸 Dimension : 410*318mm(6F)
材質 Material:油彩,畫布. Oil ,Canvas.
創作年代 Year of work:2020
幕天席地, 縱意所如, 居無廬室, 以八荒為域, 日月為扃。
With the sky as the curtain and the ground as the seat, the foundation of this house is built between the heaven and the earth. The mind is unconstrained, open-minded and unconstrained. He regards the sun and moon in the sky as the doors and windows of his house, and the vast distance. Is my own courtyard .