
泊 Moored(原圖)

標題 Title : 泊 Moored
材質Material : 油彩.畫布 . Oil painting, Canvas
尺寸Dimension : 455x380mm(8F)
創作年代 Year of work : 2020
創作者 Artist : 賴文彬. W.B. Lai
曾經的乘風破浪,四海遨遊 .半生的搖愰.,得以歇泊. 藍天, 暖陽, 清風的拂拭 , 靜謐了漂泊的心靈.
Riding over the wind and waves, traveling around the ocean. Wobbling for half of life, finally I can take a rest. The sky is so blue, sunshine so warm. And the sweet breeze calms my wander life, easing my spirit.